科学家发明用纳米颗粒做的纸质超级电容器 Scientists create paper supercapacitor with gold nanoparticles
发布者(Posted by):浆纸商务网时间(Time):2017-11-06 09:05

Phys.org 9月27日报道,金属纳米颗粒改进了对寨卡病毒和肺结核病毒的纸质测试,科学家现在正使用此材料来开发纸超级电容器。在超级电容器提高了电池的高功率密度的同时,却缺少了能源密度, 换言之,在特定空间储存的能源量却缺乏了。

Gold nanoparticles have improved paper tests for diagnosing the Zika virus and tuberculosis, and scientists are now using the material to develop paper supercapacitors. While supercapacitors improve upon batteries for high power density, longer lifespan and rapid charge/discharge rate, they fall short in energy density, or the amount of energy that can be stored in a given amount of space, Phys.org reported Sept. 27. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and Korea University have found a way to boost energy density in paper supercapacitors with gold nanoparticles and a layer-by-layer assembly process. The result is “metal-like electric conductivity [and] paper-like mechanical properties, and a large surface area without any thermal treatment and/or mechanical pressing,” said researcher Yongmin Ko. Applications for this innovation include wearable electronics in the biomedical, consumer and military fields.

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