科学家把智能手机和家用打印机变成诊断工具Scientists turn smartphone and home printer into diagnostic device
发布者(Posted by):浆纸商务网时间(Time):2017-11-22 08:22

韩国Bizwire 4月13 日报道,韩国,丹麦和泰国的科学家正致力于把人们的智能手机转变为个性化的诊断工具。他们合作的成果就是一个纸质芯片。把一滴血滴在纸芯片上,同智能手机连接后就可以诊断糖尿病,肾异常和头脑状况。韩国商业杂志(Business Korea)4月13日报道,韩国Sogang大学的吴昕宽说:“不用很贵的装备,就可以用纸在家用打印机上制作成千上万张纸芯片。”吴带领了一个开发纸芯片的研究团队。

Scientists from South Korea, Denmark and Thailand are working on turning your smartphone and home printer into a personalized medical diagnostic device. Their collaboration has resulted in a paper-based chip, which can be created at home by printing conductive ink on printer paper, Korea Bizwire reported April 13. When a drop of blood is placed on the chip, it can diagnose diseases such as diabetes, kidney anomalies and brain conditions after connecting with a smartphone. “Without expensive equipment, you can make thousands of chips with your home printer using paper,” said Shin Kwan-woo of Sogang University, who led the research team on developing the chip, Business Korea reported April 13.




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