德国的研究对于再生纸纸龄及寿命提供了新颖见解,已经对欧洲地区的废纸计算出了结果Study in Germany provides insights on age of paper used for recycling and its life expectancy, results are calculated for European region and compared for fiber age and number of future material uses
发布者(Posted by):浆纸商务网时间(Time):2017-11-28 08:36

    垂直新闻(VerticalNews)记者从德国慕尼黑发来的信息称,研究显示,”平均纤维年龄理论上可以通过一个拟定的纸回收循环圈内的质量流量计算出来。平均纤维年龄指的是纤维在一种特定纸中所经历的生产循环。平均纤维寿命分布可以通过多种算法计算出来,然后将其关联到回收循环体系, 这是高废纸利用率和高废纸回收率的国家和地区的特点.”

   New research on Pulp and Paper Research is the subject of a report. According to news originating from Munich, Germany, by VerticalNews correspondents, research stated, "Mean fiber age (i.e., the mean number of production cycles that fibers in a given paper material have undergone so far) can be calculated theoretically on the basis of mass flows in a given paper recycling loop. Mean fiber age distributions can be calculated in multiple, connected recycling loop systems, which are typical of countries and regions with high recovered paper utilization and recycling rates."
Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research, "The calculation uses a graph theory approach. The same approach shows there is a second important value that highlights another aspect of the circular economy - the number of future material uses. This value quantifies how often the fibers in a given paper product will be used on average till their end of life. Put simply, the fiber age describes the past and the number of future material uses describes the future of the fibers in a paper or board product. Calculated results for the European region are presented and compared for fiber age and number of future material uses."
According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Both values add up to a total number of material uses and should be used together."

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