研究人员用用过的啤酒糟造纸Researcher creates paper from spent beer grain
发布者(Posted by):浆纸商务网时间(Time):2017-11-30 08:55

  Paste Magazine 10月23日报道,华盛顿大学的库特.豪瑞特教授(Kurt Haunreiter)用用过的啤酒糟替代20%的标准纸浆,(按照重量计算),造出的纸没有啤酒味,闻起来像刚烤好的面包。特别在冬季来临之际,办公用打印纸有烤面包的味的想法听起来不错,但是啤酒糟造纸更具工匠精神。所造的纸可以用做出版纸,但是,豪瑞特说:“还是有外皮存留,会对印刷和纸的适用性有影响。”
While scientists are discovering ground-breaking applications for paper pulp byproducts, one researcher has discovered an unlikely byproduct for making paper—the spent beer grain from microbreweries. University of Washington Professor Kurt Haunreiter has replaced 20% of standard paper pulp with spent grain by weight, creating paper that doesn’t smell like beer, but like fresh-baked bread, Paste Magazine reported Oct. 23. The idea of an office printer smelling like an oven baking bread might sound appealing, especially for the upcoming winter months, but paper sourced from beer grain is more artisan. The paper is viable as publication paper, but “you still get the husks, and that will interfere with printing and usability,” Haunreiter said.

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