肺结核纸测试有助于快速诊断,预防疾病传播Tuberculosis paper test helps expedite diagnosis, prevent spread of disease
发布者(Posted by):浆纸商务网时间(Time):2017-12-28 09:48

 Phys.org 9月13日报道,纸测试一直被喻为是在全球诊断病人的便宜且有效的方式;
加拿大科学媒体中心(Science Media Centre of Canada)9月21日报道,台湾国立大学的陈潜福(Chien-Fu Chen)及其同事开发出一种利用了金属纳米颗粒及荧光单链基因序列的结核病测试纸。这个序列把致(结核)病的细菌-结核分枝杆菌揉进了遗传物质中。这些纳米颗粒被连接到一个纸基的装置上。如果最小量致(结核)病细菌在设备上被检测出,它的颜色就会改变,接着,智能手机上的相机会被用来分析细菌浓度。

While paper tests have been touted to be an inexpensive and effective way to diagnose patients around the world, they can also help prevent the spread of disease. That’s especially true when it comes to tuberculosis (TB), which when caught early prevents the spread of the disease if patients are treated, Phys.org reported Sept. 13. Chien-Fu Chen from National Taiwan University, along with colleagues, has developed a TB paper test that involves the use of gold nanoparticles and fluorescent single-stranded DNA sequences that bind to the genetic material of TB-causing bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These nanoparticles were then incorporated into a paper-based device. If the smallest amount of the TB-causing bacteria is detected on the device, its color changes and a smartphone camera could be deployed to analyze the bacteria concentration, Science Media Centre of Canada reported Sept. 21.



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