
1. 接受条款当您阅读本会员注册协议后即表示您同意自己已经与浆纸商务网订立本协议,且您将受本协议的条款和条件("条款") 约束。浆纸商务网可随时自行全权决定更改"条款"。如"条款"有任何变更,浆纸商务网将在其网站上刊载公告,通知予您。如您不同意相关变更,必须停止使用"服务"。经修订的"条款"一经在浆纸商务网上公布后,立即自动生效。您继续使用"服务"将表示您接受经修订的"条款"。除另行明确声明外,任何使"服务"范围扩大或功能增强的新内容均受本协议约束。除非经浆纸商务网的授权高层管理人员签订书面协议,本协议不得另行作出修订。
2.谁可使用Chinapaperonline.com相关服务? "服务"仅供能够根据相关法律订立具有法律约束力的合约的个人或公司使用。浆纸商务网可随时自行全权决定拒绝向任何人士提供"服务"。"服务"不会提供给被暂时或永久中止资格的浆纸商务网会员。
3. 收费欢迎您成为会员!本公司保留在根据第1条通知您后,收取"服务"费用的权利。您因进行交易、向本公司获取有偿服务或接触本公司服务器而发生的所有应纳税赋,以及一切硬件、软件、服务及其他方面的费用均由您负责支付。本公司保留在无须发出通知的情况下,暂时或永久地更改或停止部份或全部"服务"的权利。
5.您的资料和供买卖的物品 "您的资料"包括您在注册、交易或列举物品过程中、在任何公开信息场合或通过任何电子邮件形式,向本公司或其他用户提供的任何资料,您应对您的资料负全部责任,而本公司仅作为您在网上发布和刊登"您的资料"的被动渠道。但是,倘若本公司认为"您的资料"可能使本公司承担任何法律或道义上的责任,或可能使本公司 (全部或部份地) 失去本公司的互联网服务供应商或其他供应商的服务,则本公司可自行全权决定对"您的资料"采取本公司认为必要或适当的任何行动,包括但不限于删除该类资料。您特此保证,您对提交给浆纸商务网的"您的资料"拥有全部权利,包括全部版权。您确认,浆纸商务网没有责任去认定或决定您提交给本公司的资料哪些是应当受到保护的,对享有服务"的其他用户使用"您的资料",本公司也不必负责。
5.1 注册义务 如您在浆纸商务网注册,您同意:(a)根据http://www.chinapaperonline.com网址所刊载的会员资料表格的要求,提供关于您或贵公司的真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况的资料;(b)维持并及时更新会员资料,使其保持真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况。倘若您提供任何不真实、不准确、不完整或不能反映当前情况的资料,或浆纸商务网有合理理由怀疑该等资料不真实、不准确、不完整或不能反映当前情况,浆纸商务网有权暂停或终止您的注册身份及资料,并拒绝您在目前或将来对"服务"(或其任何部份) 以任何形式使用。如您代表一家公司或其他法律主体在本公司登记,则您声明和保证,您有权使该公司或其他法律主体受本协议"条款"约束。
5.2 会员注册名、密码和保密在登记过程中,您将选择会员注册名和密码。您须自行负责对您的会员注册名和密码保密,且须对您在会员注册名和密码下发生的所有活动承担责任。您同意:(a) 如发现任何人未经授权使用您的会员注册名或密码,或发生违反保密规定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知浆纸商务网;(b)确保您在每个上网时段结束时,以正确步骤离开网站。浆纸商务网不能也不会对因您未能遵守本款规定而发生的任何损失或损毁负责。
5.3 关于您的资料的规则,您同意,"您的资料"和您发布在本网站上的任何"物品"(泛指一切可供依法交易的、有形的或无形的、以各种形态存在的某种具体的物品,或某种权利或利益,或某种票据或证券,或某种服务或行为。本协议中"物品"一词均含此义)a. 不会有欺诈成份,与售卖伪造或盗窃无涉;b.不会侵犯任何第三者对该物品享有的物权,或版权、专利、商标、商业秘密或其他知识产权,或隐私权、名誉权;c.不会违反任何法律、法规、条例或规章(包括但不限于关于规范出口管理、贸易配额、保护消费者、不正当竞争或虚假广告的法律、法规、条例或规章);d. 不会含有诽谤(包括商业诽谤)、非法恐吓或非法骚扰的内容; e. 不会含有淫秽、或包含任何儿童色情内容; f.不会含有蓄意毁坏、恶意干扰、秘密地截取或侵占任何系统、数据或个人资料的任何病毒、伪装破坏程序、电脑蠕虫、定时程序炸弹或其他电脑程序;g.不会直接或间接与下述各项货物或服务连接,或包含对下述各项货物或服务的描述:(i)本协议项下禁止的货物或服务; (ii) 您无权连接或包含的货物或服务。此外,您同意不会:h.在与任何连锁信件、大量胡乱邮寄的电子邮件、滥发电子邮件或任何复制或多余的信息有关的方面使用"服务";(i) 未经其他人士同意,利用"服务"收集其他人士的电子邮件地址及其他资料;或 (j) 利用"服务"制作虚假的电子邮件地址,或以其他形式试图在发送人的身份或信息的来源方面误导其他人士。
5.4 被禁止物品您在本公司网站公布或通过本公司网站买卖:(a) 可能使本公司违反任何相关法律、法规、条例或规章的任何物品;或 (b) 目前列入浆纸商务网被禁止物品清单的任何物品。浆纸商务网被禁止物品清单经在此提及而被纳入本协议,并可随时加以更新。
6. 关于使用网站讨论区
6.1 Chinapaperonline.com为其会员提供免费使用讨论区,并鼓励所有会员之间开放、诚实和尊重的相互沟通。会员不得使用本网站上的讨论区作为一个营销平台,不得发布供求信息,宣传产品、或公司简介的任何信息。如要在本网站发布此类信息,请发EMAIL与Chinapaperonline.com联系。
6.2各会员认知在网站讨论区无论公开张贴或私下传送所有数据、文字、软件、音乐、声音、照片、图形、视频、消息或其他材料(“内容”),均由发出内容的该会员承担唯一责任。这意味着是由发布内容的会员,而不是Chinapaperonline.com,对上传或者在网站讨论区发布的所有内容承担全责。 Chinapaperonline.com不掌控在讨论区张贴的内容,因此不保证此类内容的准确性、完整性或质量。
6.3 Chinapaperonline.com对自行决定删除上传内容保留权利,恕不另行通知,并且可以监控任何违反本协议的会员,并可能限制其在讨论区张贴留言的能力。在任何情况下Chinapaperonline.com对任何内容概不承担责任,包括(但不限于)任何内容的任何错误或遗漏,或因会员使用讨论区而产生的任何种类的损失或损害。各会员同意评估并承担依赖任何内容相关联的所有风险,包括其准确性或完整性。每个成员了解,通过使用本网站上的讨论区,则该成员可能会接触到冒犯的、不文明的或令人反感的内容。
6.9 为防止会员违反本协议,Chinapaperonline.com保留采取任何它认为必要的行动,包括以下权利:
8.1 就交易进行协商交易各方通过在浆纸商务网网站上明确描述报盘和回盘,进行相互协商。所有各方接纳报盘或回盘将使所涉及的浆纸商务网用户有义务完成交易。除非在特殊情况下,诸如用户在您提出报盘后实质性地更改对物品的描述或澄清任何文字输入错误,或您未能证实交易所涉及的用户的身份等,报盘和承诺均不得撤回。
8.2 处理交易争议。本公司不会且不能牵涉进交易各方的交易当中。倘若您与一名或一名以上用户,或与您通过本公司网站获取其服务的第三者服务供应商发生争议,您免除浆纸商务网 (及本公司代理人和雇员) 在因该等争议而引起的,或在任何方面与该等争议有关的不同种类和性质的任何 (实际和后果性的) 权利主张、要求和损害赔偿等方面的责任。
8.3 运用常识本公司不能亦不试图对其他用户通过"服务"提供的资料进行控制。就其本质而言,其他用户的资料,可能是令人反感的、有害的或不准确的,且在某些情况下可能带有错误的标识说明或以欺诈方式加上标识说明。本公司希望您在使用本公司网站时,小心谨慎并运用常识。
9.交易系统 9.1 不得操纵交易您同意不利用帮助实现蒙蔽或欺骗意图的同伙(下属的客户或第三方),操纵与另一交易方所进行的商业谈判的结果。
9.2 系统完整性。您同意,您不得使用任何装置、软件或例行程序干预或试图干预网站的正常运作或正在本公司网站上进行的任何交易。您不得采取对任何将不合理或不合比例的庞大负载加诸本公司网络结构的行动。您不得向任何第三者披露您的密码,或与任何第三者共用您的密码,或为任何未经批准的目的使用您的密码。
9.3 反馈您不得采取任何可能损害信息反馈系统的完整性的行动,诸如:利用第二会员身份标识或第三者为您本身留下正面反馈;利用第二会员身份标识或第三者为其他用户留下负面反馈 (反馈数据轰炸);或在用户未能履行交易范围以外的某些行动时,留下负面的反馈 (反馈恶意强加)。
9.4 不作商业性利用。您同意,您不得对任何资料作商业性利用,包括但不限於在未经浆纸商务网授权高层管理人员事先书面批准的情况下,复制在浆纸商务网网站上展示的任何资料。
10. 终止。您同意,浆纸商务网可自行全权决定以任何理由 (包括但不限于浆纸商务网认为您已违反本协议的字面意义和精神,或以不符合本协议的字面意义和精神的方式行事) 终止您的"服务"密码、帐户 (或其任何部份) 或您对"服务"的使用,并删除和丢弃您在使用"服务"中提交的的"您的资料"。浆纸商务网同时可自行全权决定,在发出通知或不发出通知的情况下,随时停止提供"服务"或其任何部份。您同意,根据本协议的任何规定终止您使用"服务"之措施可在不发出事先通知的情况下实施,并承认和同意,浆纸商务网可立即使您的帐户无效,或撤销您的帐户以及在您的帐户内的所有相关资料和档案,和/或禁止您进一步接入该等档案或"服务"。此外,您同意,浆纸商务网不会就终止您接入"服务"而对您或任何第三者承担任何责任。第12、13、14和22各条应在本协议终止后继续有效。
11. 违反规则会有什么后果?在不限制其他补救措施的前提下,发生下述任一情况,本公司可立即发出警告,暂时中止、永久中止或终止您的会员资格,删除您的任何现有产品信息,以及您在网站上展示的任何其他资料:(i) 您违反本协议;(ii) 本公司无法核实或鉴定您向本公司提供的任何资料;或 (iii) 本公司相信您的行为可能会使您、本公司用户或通过本公司或本公司网站提供服务的第三者服务供应商发生任何法律责任。在不限制任何其他补救措施的前提下,倘若发现您从事涉及本公司网站的诈骗活动,浆纸商务网可暂停或终止您的帐户。
12. 服务"按现状"提供本公司会尽一切努力使您在使用浆纸商务网网站的过程中得到乐趣。遗憾的是,本公司不能随时预见到任何技术上的问题或其他困难。该等困难可能会导致数据损失或其他服务中断。为此,您明确理解和同意,您使用"服务"的风险由您自行承担。"服务"以"按现状"和"按可得到"的基础提供。浆纸商务网明确声明不作出任何种类的所有明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于关於适销性、适用於某一特定用途和无侵权行为等方面的保证。浆纸商务网对下述内容不作保证:(i)"服务"会符合您的要求;(ii)"服务"不会中断,且适时、安全和不带任何错误;(iii) 通过使用"服务"而可能获取的结果将是准确或可信赖的;及 (iv) 您通过"服务"而购买或获取的任何产品、服务、资料或其他材料的质量将符合您的预期。通过使用"服务"而下载或以其他形式获取任何材料是由您自行全权决定进行的,且与此有关的风险由您自行承担,对于因您下载任何该等材料而发生的您的电脑系统的任何损毁或任何数据损失,您将自行承担责任。您从浆纸商务网或通过或从"服务"获取的任何口头或书面意见或资料,均不产生未在本协议内明确载明的任何保证。
13. 责任范围您明确理解和同意,浆纸商务网不对因下述任一情况而发生的任何损害赔偿承担责任,包括但不限於利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其他无形损失的损害赔偿 (无论浆纸商务网是否已被告知该等损害赔偿的可能性):(i) 使用或未能使用"服务";(ii) 因通过或从"服务"购买或获取任何货物、样品、数据、资料或服务,或通过或从"服务"接收任何信息或缔结任何交易所产生的获取替代货物和服务的费用;(iii) 未经批准接入或更改您的传输资料或数据;(iv) 任何第三者对"服务"的声明或关於"服务"的行为;或 (v) 因任何原因而引起的与"服务"有关的任何其他事宜,包括疏忽。
14. 赔偿 您同意,因您违反本协议或经在此提及而纳入本协议的其他文件,或因您违反了法律或侵害了第三方的权利,而使第三方对浆纸商务网及其子公司、分公司、董事、职员、代理人提出索赔要求(包括司法费用和其他专业人士的费用),您必须赔偿给浆纸商务网及其子公司、分公司、董事、职员、代理人,使其等免遭损失。
15. 遵守法律您应遵守与您使用"服务",以及与您竞买、购买和销售任何物品以及提供商贸信息有关的所有相关的法律、法规、条例和规章。
16. 无代理关系您与浆纸商务网仅为独立订约人关系。本协议无意结成或创设任何代理、合伙、合营、雇用与被雇用或特许权授予与被授予关系。
17. 广告和金融服务 您与在"服务"上或通过"服务"物色的刊登广告人士通讯或进行业务往来或参与其推广活动,包括就相关货物或服务付款和交付相关货物或服务,以及与该等业务往来相关的任何其他条款、条件、保证或声明,仅限于在您和该刊登广告人士之间发生。您同意,对于因任何该等业务往来或因在"服务"上出现该等刊登广告人士而发生的任何种类的任何损失或损毁,浆纸商务网无需负责或承担任何责任。您如打算通过"服务"创设或参与与任何公司、股票行情、投资或证券有关的任何服务,或通过"服务"收取或要求与任何公司、股票行情、投资或证券有关的任何新闻信息、警戒性信息或其他资料,敬请注意,浆纸商务网不会就通过"服务"传送的任何该等资料的准确性、有用性或可用性、可获利性负责或承担任何责任,且不会对根据该等资料而作出的任何交易或投资决策负责或承担任何责任。
18. 链接 "服务"或第三者均可提供与其他万维网网站或资源的链接。由于浆纸商务网并不控制该等网站和资源,您承认并同意,浆纸商务网并不对该等外在网站或资源的可用性负责,且不认可该等网站或资源上或可从该等网站或资源获取的任何内容、宣传、产品、服务或其他材料,也不对其等负责或承担任何责任。您进一步承认和同意,对于任何因使用或信赖从此类网站或资源上获取的此类内容、宣传、产品、服务或其他材料而造成(或声称造成)的任何直接或间接损失,浆纸商务网均不承担责任。
19. 通知除非另有明确规定,任何通知应以电子邮件形式发送,(就浆纸商务网而言) 电子邮件地址为webmaster@chinapaperonline.com(就您而言) 发送到您在登记过程中向浆纸商务网提供的电子邮件地址,或有关方指明的该等其他地址。在电子邮件发出二十四 (24) 小时后,通知应被视为已送达,除非发送人被告知相关电子邮件地址已作废。或者,本公司可通过邮资预付挂号邮件并要求回执的方式,将通知发到您在登记过程中向浆纸商务网提供的地址。在该情况下,在付邮当日三 (3) 天后通知被视为已送达。
20. 不可抗力对于因本公司合理控制范围以外的原因,包括但不限於自然灾害、罢工或骚乱、物质短缺或定量配给、暴动、战争行为、政府行为、通讯或其他设施故障或严重伤亡事故等,致使本公司延迟或未能履约的,浆纸商务网不对您承担任何责任。
21. 转让浆纸商务网转让本协议无需经您同意。
22. 其他规定本协议构成您和浆纸商务网之间的全部协议,规定了您对"服务"的使用,并取代您和浆纸商务网先前订立的任何书面或口头协议。本协议各方面应受中华人民共和国大陆地区法律的管辖。倘若本协议任何规定被裁定为无效或不可强制执行,该项规定应被撤销,而其余规定应予执行。条款标题仅为方便参阅而设,并不以任何方式界定、限制、解释或描述该条款的范围或限度。本公司未就您或其他人士的某项违约行为采取行动,并不表明本公司撤回就任何继后或类似的违约事件采取行动的权利。
23. 仲裁因本协议或本公司服务所引起或与其有关的任何争议应提交中国北京市仲裁委员会并根据其适用的仲裁规则进行仲裁裁决。任何该等争议应单独地仲裁,不得与任何其他方的争议在任何仲裁中合并处理。仲裁应在中国北京市进行,而仲裁裁决可提交对其有管辖权的任何法院予以强制执行。您或浆纸商务网在仲裁进行期间,可向中国北京地区内具有管辖权的法院寻求为保护您或浆纸商务网的权利或财产所需的任何临时或初步补救措施,包括但不限于财产保全或证据保全措施。

Welcome to www.chinapaperonline.com ! Please read carefully the following agreement. You will be our member after click the "Accept". Thanks for your Register.
Chinapaperonline provides a web site located on the Internet at http://www.chinapaperonline.com (the "Site") that allows the registered customers ("Members") to receive pulp and paper industry information and services through chinapaperonline (the Site). Members are able to access all of the news and contents available on Site.
1. Agreement with Terms and Conditions
This Membership Agreement (this "Agreement") describes the Terms and Conditions applicable to your use of the Site in general. By either clicking the "Accept" button below, you accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions or have questions concerning these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at: in the US: (908) 431-7630, in China: (010)65691427 or at Customer Services: davidlee@chinapaperonline.com. Chinapaperonline may amend the Member's Terms and Conditions at any time by posting the amended Member's Terms and Conditions on the Site and the effective date of any such amendment will be the date on which the amended member's Terms and Conditions is so posted on the Site. In addition, chinapaperonline will e-mail all Members a notice of the amended Member's Terms and Conditions. Without limiting the generality or effect of the foregoing, we may also add, delete or modify some or all of our services at any time in our sole discretion. To become a Member, you must register as such by filling out an application form and by selecting a User Name for your future access of the contents of the Site.
2. Access to the Site
a) Equipment and Connections. Member is responsible for providing all equipment necessary to access the internet and the Site. Access to the Site requires use of Microsoft Explorer 4.0 or higher for the best result.
b) Availability of the Site. The Site is usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, we retain the right to make the Site unavailable from time to time for any reason.
c) Use of Passwords. Access to and use of the Site is through a combination of a User Name and Password. Each Member will choose his or her own unique User Name and alphanumeric Password. Acceptance of a membership application by chinapaperonline.com validates a Member's User Name, Password. No Member or other person is permitted to access the Site using the User Name and Password and or Member ID of any other Member.
3. System Integrity
a) Applicable Laws. Member agrees to comply with all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws, statutes, rules and regulations relating to Member's use of the Site. Without limiting the foregoing, Members are responsible for observing all applicable tariffs and trade laws.
b) No Unauthorized Access. Member shall not provide access to the Site to other persons through use of Member's User Name and Password. The Member is solely responsible to ensure that it takes no action or omits to take action which in either case results in any other person utilizing Member's User Name and Password. Chinapaperonline is specifically not responsible for the use of any Member's User Name or Passwordanother party, except to the extent due to the gross negligence of chinapaperonline.
c) Malicious Intent. Member agrees not to tamper in any way with the software or functionality of the Site. Without limiting the foregoing, Member agrees not to put any material into the Site which contains any viruses, time bombs, trojan horses, worms, or other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere with, intercept or expropriate any system, data or information.
d) Maintenance of Confidential Information; Privacy. Member agrees not to disclose other Members' confidential information consistent with accepted industry practices. In addition, Member agrees not to disclose chinapaperonline's confidential information, such as User Name and Password, even within Member's own organization, except on a need-to-know basis. Member agrees not to invade another Member's privacy. This includes, but is not limited to, the breach or attempted breach of the security of another Member's computer, software or data without the knowledge and express consent of such Member. Use or distribution of tools designed for compromising privacy or security is strictly prohibited.
4. Information posted on the Site
Member is solely responsible for information that it posts on the Site. chinapaperonline does not endorse any information posted on the Site by Members or third parties. Member agrees that chinapaperonline has no obligation to monitor the content on the Site, or links to other web sites, and expressly disclaims any responsibility of chinapaperonline to filter any such content. However, we may take any action with respect to such information we deem necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion if we believe such information may give rise to liability to us or other parties or interfere or impair our relationship with any Member.
Information posted on the Site
(a) must not be fraudulent or involve the sale of stolen items;
(b) must not infringe any third party's rights, including but not limited to copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;
(c) must not violate any applicable law, statute, rule or regulation;
(d) must not be obscene, indecent or contain pornography; political sensitive;
(e) must not be defamatory, trade libelous, threatening or harassing; and
(f) must not link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of products or services that (i) are prohibited by this Agreement or (ii) are concurrently listed for sale on a web site. In addition, you may not post on the Site or any product or service which could reasonably be expected to result in a violation of any applicable law, statute, rule or regulation.
5. Intellectual Property Matters
Member acknowledges that all data developed and/or collected by chinapaperonline in connection with the operation of the Site shall be the exclusive property of chinapaperonline. Chinapaperonline's use of such data will be made in accordance with the related Privacy Policy, but no information concerning Member shall be shared with any third parties without the prior written consent of Member, except (i) for the fact that Member is a member of chinapaperonline, (ii) pursuant to the license granted below, and (iii) for data derived from Transactions.
All third party content published on the Site is property of the respective copyright owners and may not be copied or distributed in any way by Members for commercial purposes.
To enable us to use information provided by you in connection with the operation of the Site and the advertisement thereof by the Company without violating any rights you have in the information, Member grants to chinapaperonline a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right to exercise the copyright, trademark and publicity rights (but not other rights) you have in such information on the Internet and otherwise in any publicity material of the Company. chinapaperonline's use of such information will be in accordance with the Privacy Policy, but no information concerning Member shall be shared with any third parties without the prior written consent of Member, except
(i) for the fact that Member is a member of chinapaperonline, and (ii) pursuant to the license granted above.
The foregoing license will terminate upon the termination of Member's membership in chinapaperonline.
6.1 Chinapaperonline.com provides its Members use of discussion boards on the Site free of charge to promote and encourage open, honest and respectful communication between all of our Members. The discussion boards on the Site shall not be used as a marketing platform by Members and Members shall not post any information relating to trade leads, promotion of their products or their company profile. Please contact Chinapaperonline.com for posting such information on the website.
6.2 Each Member acknowledges that all data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted through a discussion board on the Site, are the sole responsibility of such Member from whom the contents are originated. This means that the posting Member, and not Chinapaperonline.com, is entirely responsible for all contents that are uploaded or posted via our discussion boards on the Site. Chinapaperonline.com does not control the contents posted via discussion boards and therefore does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such content.
6.3 Chinapaperonline.com reserves the right to delete any postings in its sole discretion without prior notice and may monitor posting activities of any Member who is in breach of this Agreement and may restrict their ability to post messages on the discussion boards on the Site. Under no circumstances will Chinapaperonline.com be liable in any way for any content, including (without limitation) any errors or omissions in any content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the discussion boards by such Member. Each Member agrees to evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any content including any reliance on its accuracy or completeness. Each Member understands that by using the Chinapaperonline.com discussion boards on the Site, such Member may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable.
6.4 Without prejudice to each Member's responsibilities of this Agreement, each Member agrees not to use the discussion boards on the Site to:
a) upload, post or e-mail any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
b)harm minors in any way;
c)impersonate any person or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity or disguise the origin of any content;
d)"stalk" or otherwise harass another;
e)collect or store personal data about other users;
f)upload, post or e-mail any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships;
g)upload, post or e-mail any content that infringes any intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights of any party;
h)upload, post or e-mail any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", or any other form of solicitation;
i)upload, post or e-mail any content that contains computer viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;
j)upload, post or e-mail any content that contains a complaint regarding Chinapaperonline.com's services or refers to such a complaint on the Site or to any other Members; any such complaint must be directed to the customer service e-mail on the Site; or
k)violate any applicable national or internal laws or regulations.
6.5 Each Member acknowledges that Chinapaperonline.com does not pre-screen content but that Chinapaperonline.com shall have the right (though not the obligation) in its sole discretion to move, modify or remove any content that is posted or uploaded on the discussion boards on the Site.
6.6 Each Member grants to Chinapaperonline.com a perpetual, world-wide, royalty-free irrevocable, non-exclusive license (including the right to sub-license through multiple tiers) to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display any content (in whole or part) such Member uploaded, posted or supplied to Chinapaperonline.com for posting on the Sites and/or to incorporate such content in other works in any form, media or technology now known or developed.
6.7 Each Member shall indemnify and hold Chinapaperonline.com and its subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, agents or partners harmless from and against any direct or indirect loss or damage (including consequential loss and loss of profits, goodwill or business opportunities) arising from any third party claim in relation to any content such Member uploaded, posted or e-mailed on or through the discussion boards on the Site, or such Member's use of the discussion boards on the Site.
6.8 On being made aware of any such breaches, Chinapaperonline.com may ban, delete or prohibit any content that relates to those breaches or that Chinapaperonline.com in its sole discretion consider to be harmful to the public or the rights of Chinapaperonline.com or any of its affiliates, licensors, partners or Members.
6.9 Chinapaperonline.com reserves the right to take whatever action it deems necessary to prevent a Member's breach of the Agreement including the following:
a)issue a warning letter to the relevant Member (where the breaches are deemed by Chinapaperonline.com to be minor); or 
b) ban the relevant Member from discussion boards on the Site (where the breaches are deemed by Chinapaperonline.com to be major).
All incidents will be logged and Chinapaperonline.com's decision shall be final in all such cases.
6.10 All information and/or other content posted on the Site by the Chinapaperonline.com service team or by Members or third party partners is supplied for information purposes only and shall not under any circumstances be construed as legal and/or business advice or a legal opinion.
7. Termination and Expiration
a) Termination Rights. Either chinapaperonline or Member may immediately terminate this Membership Agreement at will in writing or via e-mail.
b). Relationship between chinapaperonline and Members
Member and chinapaperonline are independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employer-employee or other similar relationship is intended or created by Member's acceptance of the Member's Terms and Conditions, use of the Site or participation in the Marketplace.
8. Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law
This Membership Agreement and the Member's Terms and Conditions and the relationship between Member and chinapaperonline shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey of the United States without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Member and chinapaperonline agree that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Member's Terms and Conditions and the relationship between Member and chinapaperonline shall be submitted to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located within the State of New Jersey, USA.
9. Limitation of Liability
As a condition of membership to the Site, and in consideration of the services provided by chinapaperonline, Member agrees that neither chinapaperonline, nor any officer, affiliate, director, shareholder, agent or employee of chinapaperonline, will be liable to Member or any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of business opportunities, damages, expense, or costs resulting directly or indirectly from, or otherwise arising in connection with:
a). the use of the Site by the Member, including but not limited to damages resulting from, or the mistakes, omissions, interruptions, errors, defects, delays in operation, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, transmissions, eavesdropping by third parties.
b). the termination of Member's membership by chinapaperonline pursuant to the Member's Terms and Conditions;
c). the government restriction, strikes, war, any natural disaster or Force Majeure, or any other condition beyond chinapaperonline's reasonable control. The limitations set forth in this section do not apply to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of chinapaperonline and its affiliates (excluding Members), subcontractors, employees, and agents, which, but for this provision, would give rise to a course of action in contract, or any other legal doctrine.
10. Other General Provisions This Agreement and the Member's Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Membership Agreement and supersede and replace any and all prior written or verbal agreements. Headings are for references only. A party's failure to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of the Member's Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Neither the course of conduct between Member and chinapaperonline nor trade practice shall act to modify any provision of the Member's Terms and Conditions. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect such provision in any other respect or any other provision of the Member's Terms and Conditions which shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred to third parties by Member without prior written permission from chinapaperonline.